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CAD/Pack add-on for PolyTrans / NuGraf
279,00 €
inkl. MwSt.
- Plattform: Win
- Sprache: engl. Lieferzeit 1 - 3 Tage / Lieferung per E-Mail
- Art.Nr.: 30964
Das Okino CAD/Pack ist ausschließlich in englischer Sprache erhältlich. Auf dieser Seite finden... mehr
Das Okino CAD/Pack ist ausschließlich in englischer Sprache erhältlich. Auf dieser Seite finden Sie eine kurze Produktübersicht sowie die wichtigsten Konvertierungsformate des CAD/Pack. Ausführliche Produktinformationen finden Sie auf den Seiten von Okino unter: http://www.okino.com
Die Liste der unterstützen 3D Dateiformate von Okino PolyTrans und NuGraf ist bereits sehr umfangreich und deckt den Bedarf der meisten Anwender. PolyTrans und NuGraf lassen sich mit Plug-Ins aber für besondere Anwendungsgebiete erweitern.
Optional erhältliche Konvertierungs-Erweiterungen für NuGraf/PolyTrans bieten weitere Import Filter für 3D Dateiformate und spezielle Anwendungen aus den Bereichen CAD, 3D Volumenmodelle und Animation. Die Erweiterungen sind teilweise nicht für den Einsatz in den Okino Produkten, sondern für die 3D Applikation selbst.
Eines der optional erhältlichen Module ist das Okino CAD/Pack. Das CAD/Pack erweitert PolyTrans und NuGraf um folgende weitere 3D CAD Formate:
3D Import Formate
- Autodesk Inventor (.iam (assemblies), .ipt (parts))
- Autodesk DWF-3D (for AutoCAD, Navisworks, Revit & Inventor) (.dwf, .hsf )
- Autodesk DXF & DWG (all versions) (dwg, .dxf)
- Okino IGES (Trimmed Surfaces) (.iges, .igs)
- Solid Edge (.asm (assemblies), .prt (parts))
- SolidWorks (.sldasm (assemblies), .sldprt (parts))
3D Export:
- DWG (.dwg)
- IGES 5.x (.igs, .iges) (oberflächenbasiertes IGES)
Ausführliche englische Beschreibung der Formate:
CAD/Pack 3D CAD Import Formats:
Autodesk Inventor (.iam (assemblies), .ipt (parts))
The Autodesk Inventor import converter module allows geometry, hierarchy and materials (assembly data) to be imported from native disk-based Autodesk Inventor files or from a running copy of the Autodesk Inventor 3D solid modeling application using the Autodesk Inventor automation API. No intermediate files are used in the translation.
This import converter allows data to be directly imported from Autodesk Inventor into any Okino compliant program, such as NuGraf, PolyTrans, the 3ds Max native plug-ins, or the Maya native plug-in module.
The Autodesk Inventor import converter module allows geometry, hierarchy and materials (assembly data) to be imported from native disk-based Autodesk Inventor files or from a running copy of the Autodesk Inventor 3D solid modeling application using the Autodesk Inventor automation API. No intermediate files are used in the translation.
This import converter allows data to be directly imported from Autodesk Inventor into any Okino compliant program, such as NuGraf, PolyTrans, the 3ds Max native plug-ins, or the Maya native plug-in module.
Autodesk DWG (.dwg, .dxf)
The Okino DXF/DWG import converter is an intelligent and complex converter which will read in DXF/DWG files containing 2d, 2-1/2d or 3d entities and transform them into optimized, grouped meshes of 3d polygons. It was first released in 1992 and has long been a staple 3D core importer for AutoCAD related conversions.
The Okino DXF/DWG import converter is an intelligent and complex converter which will read in DXF/DWG files containing 2d, 2-1/2d or 3d entities and transform them into optimized, grouped meshes of 3d polygons. It was first released in 1992 and has long been a staple 3D core importer for AutoCAD related conversions.
IGES (Surfaced Data) (iges, .igs)
Ideal method to import from all major CAD packages. This complex geometry import converter reads in IGES files including the most used NURBS entities, their related trim curve information, 3D point sets, independent lines, independent NURBS curves, geometry hierarchy connectivity and polygonal data. This is a "surface based" IGES importer that has been under constant development at Okino since 1989 and hence it is "rock stable" - we know IGES like the back of our hands!
Ideal method to import from all major CAD packages. This complex geometry import converter reads in IGES files including the most used NURBS entities, their related trim curve information, 3D point sets, independent lines, independent NURBS curves, geometry hierarchy connectivity and polygonal data. This is a "surface based" IGES importer that has been under constant development at Okino since 1989 and hence it is "rock stable" - we know IGES like the back of our hands!
Solid Edge (.asm (assemblies), (.prt (parts))
SolidWorks (.sldasm (assemblies), .sldprt (parts))
CAD/Pack 3D Export Formats:
DWG (.dwg)
The AutoCAD DXF and DWG geometry export converter writes out the scene database as either 3-point or 4-point polygons using the 3DFACE or POLYFACE MESH entities. Polygons with 5 or more vertices, concave polygons, or polygons with holes are automatically triangulated. All polygons will be assigned DXF color #1.
If the file is written using the POLYFACE MESH option then there is no need to weld the geometry data when the DXF file is read into another program (since the data output to the DXF file will be automatically welded by this converter).
DWG and binary DXF output is only available when the Okino "CAD/Pack license" has been purchased since it uses a third party licensed DWG technology toolkit.
The AutoCAD DXF and DWG geometry export converter writes out the scene database as either 3-point or 4-point polygons using the 3DFACE or POLYFACE MESH entities. Polygons with 5 or more vertices, concave polygons, or polygons with holes are automatically triangulated. All polygons will be assigned DXF color #1.
If the file is written using the POLYFACE MESH option then there is no need to weld the geometry data when the DXF file is read into another program (since the data output to the DXF file will be automatically welded by this converter).
DWG and binary DXF output is only available when the Okino "CAD/Pack license" has been purchased since it uses a third party licensed DWG technology toolkit.
IGES 5.x (.igs, .iges)
As a complement to the full featured IGES import converter, this IGES export converter allows trimmed NURBS, NURBS curves, 3d pointsets (point clouds) and linear lineset data to be exported in various flavors of the IGES file format. This export converter is useful for transferring data to CAD/CAM packages which will most likely read in an IGES file.
In general most CAD programs which accept IGES files require that the geometry data be "trimmed NURBS" or "BREP solids". This IGES exporter will only output "trimmed NURBS" (in IGES entities 144/142/128) when the source data is also "trimmed NURBS", such as from Softimage-3D or Maya (and only when the geometry data was modeled as NURBS and not polygons).
This IGES exporter can also output all 3D geometry items as pure polygons meshes, as IGES entity # 106 (copious data). However, as outlined in the next paragraph, this option tends to confuse users of this IGES exporter since they expect such #106 data to be read into all CAD modelers. In general there are very few CAD programs which will import and accept #106 copious data polygon meshes because they only accept NURBS and not meshes. This option to output #106 copious data was added for one customer who wanted to output a text font outline to Pro/Engineer, after which the data was imported as a 2D drafting outline, traced, and turned into a 3D model using interactive Pro/E drawing tools.
As a complement to the full featured IGES import converter, this IGES export converter allows trimmed NURBS, NURBS curves, 3d pointsets (point clouds) and linear lineset data to be exported in various flavors of the IGES file format. This export converter is useful for transferring data to CAD/CAM packages which will most likely read in an IGES file.
In general most CAD programs which accept IGES files require that the geometry data be "trimmed NURBS" or "BREP solids". This IGES exporter will only output "trimmed NURBS" (in IGES entities 144/142/128) when the source data is also "trimmed NURBS", such as from Softimage-3D or Maya (and only when the geometry data was modeled as NURBS and not polygons).
This IGES exporter can also output all 3D geometry items as pure polygons meshes, as IGES entity # 106 (copious data). However, as outlined in the next paragraph, this option tends to confuse users of this IGES exporter since they expect such #106 data to be read into all CAD modelers. In general there are very few CAD programs which will import and accept #106 copious data polygon meshes because they only accept NURBS and not meshes. This option to output #106 copious data was added for one customer who wanted to output a text font outline to Pro/Engineer, after which the data was imported as a 2D drafting outline, traced, and turned into a 3D model using interactive Pro/E drawing tools.
Important Notice: This export converter CANNOT convert polygon mesh data to an IGES file as NURBS or solids. It is a very common request that Okino customers will want to take polygon mesh data from programs such as 3ds Max, Maya, XSI, etc. into solids modeling programs such as Pro/Engineer, SolidWorks, Solid Edge, Autodesk Inventor, etc. This is just not possible, even if you don't believe it. Solids modelers require that the IGES file only contains trimmed NURBS data, usually with additional BREP stitching data to make the trimmed NURBS into "solids". Polygon mesh data cannot be converted back to trimmed NURBS or solids simply by exporting to IGES; to do that you will need to purchase a "surface reconstruction" program which allows you to interactively reconstruct a NURBS model out of a mesh model, and only then will you be able to export a newly reconstructed NURBS surface to an IGES file. We can refer you to several companies which sell surface reconstruction software: headus, CySlice v3, inSpeck, Inc., Raindrop Geomagic, ParaForm and RapidForm.
Weitere optional erhältliche Konvertierungs-Erweiterungen für NuGraf/PolyTrans:
3D Import von: PolyTrans-for-Maya (via native plug-in system) (.ma, .mb),
Autodesk FBX (.fbx), OpenFlight (.flt), Softimage-3D (does not require copy of Soft-3D) (.hrc, .dsc), Softimage-XSI 'dotXSI' Format (does not require copy of XSI) (.xsi).
3D Export von: PolyTrans-for-Maya (via native plug-in system) (.ma, .mb), OpenFlight (.flt), Softimage-3D (does not require copy of Softimage-3D) (.hrc, .dsc), Softimage-XSI 'dotXSI' Format (does not require copy of XSI) (.xsi).
3D Import von: PolyTrans-for-Maya (via native plug-in system) (.ma, .mb),
Autodesk FBX (.fbx), OpenFlight (.flt), Softimage-3D (does not require copy of Soft-3D) (.hrc, .dsc), Softimage-XSI 'dotXSI' Format (does not require copy of XSI) (.xsi).
3D Export von: PolyTrans-for-Maya (via native plug-in system) (.ma, .mb), OpenFlight (.flt), Softimage-3D (does not require copy of Softimage-3D) (.hrc, .dsc), Softimage-XSI 'dotXSI' Format (does not require copy of XSI) (.xsi).
(nur zusätzlicher Import) 3D Import von: ACIS SAT (.sat), Granite "g-plugs" (.g), Okino IGES (.igs, .iges), Parasolid (.xmt, .xmt_txt, .xmt_bin, .xmt_neu, .x_t, .x_b, .x_n), Pro/Engineer native (.asm, .prt, .neu), Pro/DESKTOP (.des), STEP (.stp, .step, .ste), VDA-FS (.vda, .vdafs).
(nur zusätzlicher Import) 3D Import von: ACIS SAT (.sat), Granite "g-plugs" (.g), Okino IGES (.igs, .iges), Parasolid (.xmt, .xmt_txt, .xmt_bin, .xmt_neu, .x_t, .x_b, .x_n), Pro/Engineer native (.asm, .prt, .neu), Pro/DESKTOP (.des), STEP (.stp, .step, .ste), VDA-FS (.vda, .vdafs).
- PolyTrans-for-Maya: enthalten im DCC/Pack
- PolyTrans-for-MAX: enthalten in PolyTrans und NuGraf
- PolyTrans-for-Maya: enthalten in PolyTrans und NuGraf
- PolyTrans-for-Director: enthalten in PolyTrans und NuGraf
- JT Importer
- JT Importer + Exporter
- Spatial ACIS SAT
- Spatial CATIA 4 CAD File Importer
- Spatial CATIA 5 CAD File Importer
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