PhotoModeler Premium

PhotoModeler Premium provides the tools for you to create accurate, high quality 3D models and measurements from photographs. In addition, it provides powerful tools for working with point clouds and LIDAR data for photo matching.



ab 369,00 €

inkl. MwSt.

  • Win
  • engl.
The PhotoModeler Premium software has all the capabilities of the base PhotoModeler Standard... mehr
The PhotoModeler Premium software has all the capabilities of the base PhotoModeler Standard product plus the capability to do Point Cloud and LIDAR import, Point Auto-detect, Idealize Photo, Dense Surface Modeling (DSM), 3D scanning, and Motion support. Because Premium can handle all the functions of Standard (such as coded targets, SmartMatch, manual projects, etc.), if you have a mix of project types, Premium may be the best choice for you.
PhotoModeler Premium is a sophisticated tool to work with point clouds (internally created or imported). Use PhotoModeler Premium to build:
  • Dense Surface Models where a large number of 3D points are needed.
  • Models that traditionally would require a 3D laser scanner
  • Import LIDAR and point cloud data to extract key evidence from photos
  • Idealize Photos to remove all distortions - allowing for accurate 3d party software backgrounds
  • Perform measurements over time with the Motion capability.
PhotoModeler Premium is widely used in these areas:
Surveying, Construction, Mining, Geology
  • cut / fills in road road and terrain construction
  • mine volumes and mine rehabilitation
  • cliff and rock face modeling
  • stock pile volumes
Forensics, Accident Reconstruction
  • Match security and dashcam footage to LIDAR data
  • morphological models and measurements
  • foot print, bite mark, blood spatter scans
  • model/measure artifacts, digs, caves, carvings
  • morphological measurements
  • non-contact modeling of objects for curatorial purposes
UAV / Drone
  • cut / fill
  • ortho-photo mosaics / DEMs / contours
  • volumes
Archaeology, Curatorial
  • model/measure artifacts, digs, caves, carvings
  • morphological measurements
  • non-contact modeling of objects for curatorial purposes
Films, Gaming, Animation
  • models of sets and artifacts
  • photo-realistic texture maps
  • idealizing photographs
Für einen ausführlichen Produktvergleich besuchen Sie bitte folgenden Link:... mehr
Für einen ausführlichen Produktvergleich besuchen Sie bitte folgenden Link:
License agreement allows use on one computer (plus one other computer controlled by license... mehr


License agreement allows use on one computer (plus one other computer controlled by license holder if needed). Your purchase includes 1 year software Maintenance Agreement at no extra cost, providing all upgrades and technical support.


  • Windows 7, 8, 10, and 11 (64-bit)
  • High-Speed Intel or AMD processor
  • 16 GB RAM,  (the more RAM you can afford the better, 32 to 64 GB of RAM or more is recommended
  • 20 GB free hard disk space
  • modern display
  • sound hardware for the video tutorials
To create your own models, a method of capturing images is required, such as a digital camera.
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