BeatEdit for Premiere Pro

BeatEdit detects the beats in your music and generates beat markers in the Premiere Pro timeline. Create automatic edits in sync with the music or let BeatEdit assist your manual editing process.
129,00 €

inkl. MwSt.

  • Mac/Win
  • engl.
  • Lieferzeit 1 - 3 Tage / Lieferung per E-Mail
    • 33281
Editing in sync with the music has never been easier. BeatEdit detects the beats of your music... mehr
Editing in sync with the music has never been easier. BeatEdit detects the beats of your music and represents them as markers in the Premiere Pro timeline.


Speed-up any editing process that involves music

Use the beat information to generate fully automatic edits in sync with the music. If you need more control, the beat markers can also be used as guides in your manual editing process. Also the automatic edits can be tweaked easily in the timeline.
Create appealing slideshows in seconds!



  • robust state of the art beat detection
  • create sequence markers or clip markers
  • compatible with Automate to Sequence function of Premiere Pro
  • select beats randomly to create more variation
  • option to create extra markers at other rhythmically relevant points in addition to the beats

Robust Beat Tracking Technology

BeatEdit relies on very robust beat tracking technologies developed by music research groups around the globe. The used beat tracker IBT is developed by the Sound and Music Computing Group at INESC University of Porto. Furthermore, BeatEdit is relying on the MARSYAS (Music Analysis, Retrieval and Synthesis for Audio Signals) framework which is developed under the direction of George Tzanetakis, Associate Professor at University of Victoria.

Premiere Pro Timeline

After the beat detection, we generated sequence markers in the Premiere Pro timeline for some of the beats (1). Then we used the Automate To Sequence function of Premiere Pro, to automatically generate a cut based on those markers (2). In addition to the sequence markers, we also generated clip markers for all beats in the audio track (3). These are useful as guides in case we want to modify any of the cuts manually later and still ensure that they are placed accurately on beat locations.

User Interface

Working with the beats is very intuitive: In the BeatEdit user interface, they are visualized as blue bars and are audible as click sounds during playback. The user interface also offers flexible tools to select specific beats and to add extra markers at other rhythmically relevant points.

Can I import the Beats to After Effects?

Yes. When you generate clip markers with BeatEdit in Premiere Pro, they are stored inside the actual audio file. When you open the same audio file with After Effects (or in another Premiere Pro project) the markers are still there. Also, if you generate sequence markers and drag/drop the sequence from Premiere to AE, the sequence markers are imported together with the sequence.


  • Adobe Premiere Pro CC 2022, 2021, 2020, CC 2019, CC 2018, CC 2017, CC 2015.3
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