MacDrive 11 Standard Vollversion - perpetual

Mit MacDrive Standard greifen Sie auf fast alle APFS- oder HFS+-formatierten Mac-Festplatten zu, einschließlich Festplatten, SSDs (Solid State Drives), CDs, DVDs und Disketten.
59,00 €

inkl. MwSt.

  • Win
  • engl.
  • Lieferzeit 1 - 3 Tage / Lieferung per E-Mail
    • 30846
MacDrive has built a reputation on blazing quick read/write speeds, unparalleled data security... mehr
MacDrive has built a reputation on blazing quick read/write speeds, unparalleled data security and ease of use. Access your Mac disks from the Disk Management Window or direct from Explorer. Whether it is a new state of the external SSD drive or a high density floppy, MacDrive makes it possible to read and write to Mac disks seamlessly from your PC.
With MacDrive installed on your Windows PC, you can easily share files to and from APFS and HFS+ formatted internal drives, portable and desktop multi-bay drives, and even iPads. Regardless of the platform, you can read and write to the drive and then share those files. MacDrive gives you fully compatible and reliable out-of-this-world data sharing convenience.
By installing OWC MacDrive on a Windows PC, you make it become "Mac aware" and can access Mac-formatted drives easily. There is nothing to launch or learn. MacDrive 11 Standard allows users to simply connect a Mac-formatted drive to your PC and it will behave like any other disk on the system. You will be able to read and write to almost any hard drive, SSD, CD, DVD, and more. You can even access SoftRAID and Apple RAID 0 and RAID 1 volumes with MacDrive 11 Pro.

What's New? Introducing Full APFS Support.

OWC MacDrive has been the industry leader for accessing Mac disks in Windows for over 25 years. With the introduction of MacDrive 11 Pro, we're excited to bring the most complete support for Apple's APFS file system to Windows.
MacDrive's support for APFS is unmatched. You get more speed, features, and protection than any other solution. MacDrive provides full read and write support, APFS crash protection, multi-volume APFS disks, APFS formatting, and much, much more.
  • Read and Write: MacDrive 11 is the only solution that provides full read-and-write support for APFS volumes - even if the volume has duplicated files or has been backed up by Time Machine.
  • Crash Protection: MacDrive 11 provides unique data protection. Unlike other solutions, if an APFS disk is unexpectedly unplugged, existing files and data are safe, and won't be corrupted.
  • Multi-Volume Disks: APFS allows users to create multiple volumes in a single partition and share free space between volumes. Only MacDrive lets user effortlessly switch between volumes to access all of their data.
  • Formatting: Don't have a Mac, but want to share files with someone that does? MacDrive lets enables creation APFS and HFS+ volumes right on a PC.
  • Snapshots: When backed up with Time Machine, macOS creates "snapshots" on APFS volumes. This lets users browse through backups even when a Time Machine backup disk isn't available. MacDrive provides access to all snapshots, letting users restore deleted or edited files from previous states.
  • Duplicated Files: In macOS, APFS files can be instantly duplicated, without consuming additional disk space. Only MacDrive provides full read-write access to duplicated files on APFS volumes.
Lizenz für 1 PC bzw. 1 Aktivierung mehr


Lizenz für 1 PC bzw. 1 Aktivierung


  • Windows 10, Windows 11, Windows Server 2022/2019
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